Code Listing MP-RC6509-398
6509-398 Condo for rent, Thepharak Bang Phli, BTS Samrong, The Metropolis Samrong Interchange.
The Metropolis Samrong Interchange/The Metropolis Samrong Interchange
#Thepharak #BangPhli #Samrong #Praeksa #PuChao Samingprai #SriDan #PakNam #BangPu #SamutPrakan
Rent 12,000 baht/month
2 months insurance + 1 month in advance
Minimum contract 1 year
- Building A
- 31st floor
- Size 35 sq.m.
- 1 bedroom 1 bathroom
- city view
- Electrical appliances and furniture
- fully furnished
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(Thai) K.X Prinwat
(Eng) K.Phratt
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Condo for rent The Metropolis Samrong Interchange/The Metropolis Samrong Interchange
Condo for rent Theparak, Bang Phli, Samrong, Phraeksa, Pu Chao Saming Phrai, Sri Dan, Pak Nam, Bang Pu, Samut Prakan.
Condo for rent BTS Samrong
The Metropolis Samrong Interchange rent
The Metropolis Samrong Interchange rent Theparak, Bang Phli, Samrong, Phraeksa, Pu Chao Samingprai, Sri Dan, Pak Nam, Bang Pu, Samut Prakan